When people think of a Recruiter they usually think someone trying to meet a quota. Someone what ever branch there in of the military will only tell you what you wanna hear so they can get another number down for there quota of the year. I have heard this from most people in my life and told and taught growing up to never trust a recruiter because they just wanna get you to sign your life away for personal profit. This may be the case for some recruiters but not all. Most soldiers i know hate there recruiters and,or have nothing to do with them. for me my recruiter for the Army National Guard is one of my best friends and has only stride to help me improve and better my life. This Recruiters man is Staff Sergeant Scott Stimpson of the Salem Armory.
Scott Stimpson is a very known Recruiter around Albany Salem and Lebanon for his Honesty in Recruiting others and helping others to better himself. He has help many people and as some would say karma others have helped him referencing his name to where other people bring him people. In an Interview Scott said he joined the military because it was a family tradition. not necessarily any particular branch but just to join a branch in the military.Scott grew up in a patriotic house where his dad was in the Air Force. Scott a junior in high school then decided to join the National Guard. Stimpson has been in the military for twelve years and been a Recruiter for seven of those years. He plans to reenlist for a minimum of another twelve years "Hopefully as a Recruiter". Scott didn't only join the military because of family tradition but because he wanted to serve his country as well as his church. He said the benefits he received from joining greatly helped him in College and paid all the way for him to receive his Bachelors from western university. Through Joining the National Guard when Scott Stimpson was a junior in high school he was able to own his very own house the the age of twenty twos years old. Scott's very proud of this and still is to this day. When asked about what he enjoys in the military Sergeant Stimpson replied that he enjoys the Training challenges that never end and the fun of being in the military. he enjoys the brotherhood he shares with fellow soldiers as well. As being a recruiter in the military Scott said that he really enjoys "being a influence in helping others know what to do with there life". Scott enjoys this so much that he works off the clock many hours receiving nothing just to help others.Sergeant Stimpson as seen in the photo above received Recruiter of the year in 2011. When asked by me if Scott could go back would be still have joined the military and became a Recruiter his reply was "yes". Scott Stimpson is a very positive and honest person who has not only achieved a lot himself but has provided as much as he can to see others achieve so much also.
if you are ever interested in joining the national guard or just stopping in to meet sergeant Stimpson his office is located next to the Salem fairgrounds in the armory right next to the fairground stadium. Don't be afraid or shy Scott Stimpson is very friendly and loves to meet new people.