Monday, February 20, 2012


  •  Ghost rider two spirit of vengeance was a funny and action packed film. i choice ghost rider two the new movie in theaters because i have previously seen the first ghost rider and was very entertained by the film.  over all i was just as satisfied by this film as i was the first film. i was driven to this movie after seeing the trailer of ghost rider spirit of vengeance.  the ghost rider two movie has been on commercials for its debut in theaters.  i have been watching the news and haven't seen to much about ghost rider two or any reviews for that matter.  the  movie has recently come out though and i am sure there are many reviews in store for the movie both positively and negatively.  the movie has a different character as the devil and many people are not  happy usually if there is a change in characters and often people will not see a movie if there are character changes in the film.

  • Ghost Rider spirit of vengeance lead actor is Nicolas Cage.  Nicolas Cage was the lead actor in the first Ghost Rider film also. Nicolas Cages has won many awards and it appears that he has one every award at least once that he has been nominated for.   Some awards that Nicolas Cage has won is An Oscar for the movie adaption.  He has also won such awards as MTV movie award, BSFC, Golden camera, Scream, NBR, and Actor award. The link above shows the pages of awards that Nicolas cage has won.  Until writing this blog i was unaware of how many awards Nicolas cage had won as well as been nominated for.

  • Ghost Rider two is similar to the first ghost rider because the story line is similar.  As are most the characters from the first Ghost rider film.  The only character that was replaced from the previous first film was the character that plays the devil.The story line of the second movie is the same overall as the first because Ghost rider is protecting the innocent as well as using his powers given to him by the devil to protect the innocent and  kill the evil as well as make them suffer.
  • The Ghost Rider spirit of vengeance genre is obviously action and so was the previous first ghost rider.  Ghost rider two is the typically action packed genre movie. you go see the movie because the movie is good and you leave the movie satisfied.

  • Ghost rider Two is important because i believe it is one of those movies that give children hope that a super hero does.  i think it builds imagine in younger audiences because it is the classic good guy battles the bad guy and saves people type of movie.  This movie isn't important to culture but it is very entertaining i believe and think it is a good movie to pass time or something for a family of older children to see.
  • The movie shows the trend in our culture of relaxing ratings on movies.  the film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.  i believe ten to twenty years ago this movie would of been or on the border line of being rated R.  Movies in our culture seem to be getting more and more relaxed.  they have been since the movie industry started making movies.  although i believe these movie reflects our trend on culture with movies i do not believe it will affect any kid much that sees it thirteen and above.  This is because of what children are introduced to today
  • Ghost rider two's target audience would have to be a younger age group.  it is action packed as well as a fiction fantasy movie.  my dad who went with me is fifty years old and he enjoyed the movie himself also.  so i would urge when i say younger audience i mean people between thirteen and sixty.  i have noticed that older people use to be stuck up on things and with the new older age group they are just as interested in movies when they are fifty as a fifteen year old is.
  • The movie ghost rider doesn't have any real stereotypes in the movie unless they were religious ones.  the movie definitely does not have any offensive messages because it is a super hero movie of good against evil.

  • The Movies strengths are the action packed fight scenes, and the same old plus new story line mixed into the movie.  Another strength of the movie is the movie never seems to get boring i was entertained the entire time of the movie.  i would like to explain some points why but i am afraid i would spoil the good parts of the movie for the people who haven't seen it yet.  i was unable to find any weaknesses in the movie except for the character change of the devil.  other than that in my own personal opinion i think there were not any other weaknesses.
  • Ghost rider was a very good movie.  The movie was entertaining.  lastly the movie out did the first movie.  there were more action scenes or maybe longer ones in this movie than the first and there were also some new changes that ghost rider did.  these entertaining and just plain cool changes that ghost rider can do now will have to be view by you in order to know.  i will not give away the cool new features that ghost rider can do.
  • I would say entertainment wise this is one of the best if not best movie by Nicolas cage.  this movie differently competes for first with previously good movies Nicolas cage has been in such as face/off, and gone in sixty seconds.This movie is battling for first with these other two in my eyes.
  • This movie will always be remembered to me as a good movie but that will be it.  this is because it was a good movie but it was only entertaining i didn't find any part of the movie that i could relate too.  If i were to see this movie on a channel on TV i would definitely turn the channel to see this movie just because it is new and entertaining.  i believe for years to come it will be a good solid high see movie to see but i do not believe it will be able to ever compete with such movies as harry potter.
  • Although ghost rider two was entertaining to me rotten tomatoes didn't find it too entertaining.  Rotton tomatoes actually gave Ghost rider two a very low rating of fifteen percent.  the revenue for how long ghost rider has been out didn't seem to bad at twenty two million dollars but I'm not a professional with movie finances. Sadly even MTV didn't rate Ghost rider two very high and called the movie Ghost rider low voltage.  I understand some of these critics points but i really didn't think the movie was that bad, I actually think the second movie is more entertaining then the first movie.

  • I did not go out a watch another movie by Nicolas cage because i have already seen so many and enjoy most of the films that Nicolas cage has starred in. also writing this blog i did look up some of Nicolas cages work to see the awards he has one and other movie ratings his has got for some other films he has been in.  this seemed to be the lowest rating film Nicolas cage has had that he has been lead actor in.
  • My family thought that this movie was entertaining and by family i mean my father.  i have talked to many of my friends and most of them want to see Ghost rider but have not had the time yet to go out and see the movie.

Ghost rider two was a great and entertaining film for me to watch.  I would suggest the movie to anyone else who  likes action packed movies.  from this blog i have learned that the accomplishments that Nicolas cage has achieved in his life as well as what other critics have thought about this film.i suggest that anyone who reads this go see Ghost Rider the spirit of vengeance.

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